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How it Works

Compost worms(1000 Lubricous Rubellis or 

Eisenia Foetida) are sent separately from the composting bins.


The worms are added to the bin only after a bedding of cardboard and wet shredded newspaper has been laid down at the bottom of the first feeding tray and has been left to settle for a few days. 


Worms are happy in dark and damp places (50% moisture), and don't like being handled. If a worm needs to be moved, slide a blunt flat object (knife)underneath it to lift. They prefer temperatures between 18-22° for ideal reproduction and performance. They can survive outside in colder temperatures, but will be slower. The contents of the bin should resemble a wrung out sponge.



Chopped organic kitchen waste is added raw (or frozen and thawed to speed along decomposition)

and arranged on top of the bedding. When using raw food to begin, allow a few days for the food to break down before adding the worms.  


The worms are now added to their new home and covered with dry shredded newspaper (or dry leaves). The less coloured ink, the better. The worms should be given at least a week to adjust to their new living environment, after which they can be watched to see how fast they eat their food.


Sustainability in the City -Basel. A blog

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